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Morning Star Middle School Teams Rose to the Challenge

While the Virtual DI tournament presented a different set of challenges this year, the students at Morning Star Middle School rose above and decided to embrace the opportunity.  Our 4 teams used virtual tools and videoconferencing to connect with each other pretty much every day, but not just for social calls- to actually create! The theme of the challenge was "Distance Makes the Art Grow Stronger" but for our students this was more than true- the distance really brought our teams together when the boredom and anxiety of social isolation were draining.  They worked hard, but it was satisfying, rich work.  When it was all done, and we were watching the live Youtube stream of the Virtual Global Finals together on MEET, the thrill of seeing our teams' numbers flash across the screen with a 4th place and a 10th place finish in one of the Instant Challenges felt like we won Olympic gold!  

Thinking ahead to the upcoming year, when many of the usual school and extra-curricular activities won't be able to run safely, I would highly encourage teachers or community members to start a Destination Imagination team.  It will give students a chance to share their talents, explore interesting challenges, develop a ton of new skills, stretch their creativity, and build life-long friendships! 

Catherine Everett Teacher - Arts and Technology Program - Grade 7 Morning Star Middle School


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