DI is Creative Problem Solving
Why Destination Imagination is such a
valuable experience for students!
Teams of 2-7 students are tasked with finding a solution to a Central Challenge that they will prepare ahead of the tournament and an Instant Challenge that they will see for the first time at the competition.
The Instant Challenge is done on the spot. While students can practice from past challenges, at the competition they will need to rely on teamwork, quick thinking, and an ability to adapt and compromise to show growth mindset.
For the Central Challenge, students will research, write scripts, build sets, create props and costumes, and engineer technical wizardry to showcase how they will solve either a Fine Arts, Scientific, Technical, Improvisational, Service Learning, Engineering or Rising Star Challenge. This is an extraordinary cross-curricular activity where language studies, visual arts, math, design and technology, geography, history, science, and music are all connected.
Rising Stars (RS) Preschool - Grade 2 Elementary Level (EL) JK - Grade 5
Middle Level (ML) Grades 6 - 8 Secondary Level (SL) Grades 9 - 12 University/College Level (UL)