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ELL Team Goes from Hopetown to Freedomland in their Scientific Challenge!

Last year, a forward-looking TCDSB principal and teacher from St. Timothy (TCDSB) offered DI to an ELL class. It was a remarkable learning experience for everyone who was involved. This is what the students shared with their school community:

On Saturday February 24th, 2018, Mrs. Zarokian’s ELL class went to a competition at St. Basil College School and we had to present a Destination Imagination project that we had been working on for 3 months. We had to make an attraction in an unlikely location and perform a story about our attraction. We came up with story about a town called Hopetown. It was a town where everything was happy and then one day everything changed. Hopetown became a war torn town and the kids never could go outside and have fun. One day Daniel from Hopetown and his friends built a train that can transport all the kids to Freedomland, an amusement park in Hopetown, where they can play, go on the see saw and also they can ride the carousel. When the time was over they all went back to their houses safely. The carousel was our main attraction and it works!

The second component of our Destination Imagination project, was to compete in a ¨Instant Challenge” where we had to work as a team and come up with solution for a certain problem. We placed 2nd in the Instant Challenge. We worked really well as a team and came up with an awesome solution!

We are very proud of our accomplishments and had a great time working on this challenging project. We hope that next time we can win and go on the next round but we are really happy because we delivered a message of PEACE ON EARTH.

By: Beatriz, Luisa, Daniel, Jose, Koko, David, Jusley and Vartan.

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